Monday 11 March 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a book meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. A great way for readers to share their week.

Another week gone by and I still haven't posted any reviews. I will this week, I promise. I don't want to get too far behind and for the only thing on my blog to be this meme (as fun as it is). Otherwise I had a good week. I did lots of crafting, some baking, lots of reading and of course some study and course work were thrown in there. Oh, and I am now sitting at four books read for this month. I just need to finish one more book and I will have beaten January and February!

Last week I read;

The Beginner's Goodbye by Anne Tyler. Not my favourite by Tyler but I still enjoyed it.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I was having a geek out at almost every page of this book. Another book on my favourites of 2013 list.

Just now I am reading;

Capital by John Lanchester. Not sure about it but as I am only 20 pages in I am trying not to make any judgements.

Next I plan to read;

The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King. This seems to be my year to catch up with the few King books I have missed. Looking forward to this one as I loved the Dark Tower series. Problem is that my memory may not be up to it. I read the Dark Tower when they were first released in hardback so it's been a while.

Has everyone else had a good week?


  1. Once in a while real life gets in the way of blogging ;) Looks like you're still getting in some awesome reading time though!

    Have a great week!

    1. I know, I should have some time off at the end of April. Hopefully it will give me a chance to hibernate with some books.

  2. Now I am curious what you have been baking.. I love to bake :)
    I guess your memory will link it all up once you start reading. Have a great week!

    1. I love to bake too. It was my first attempt at banana loaf. Which actually turned out. Got my sisters seal of approval as she loves banana loaf. So must have turned out.

  3. I read The Wind in the Keyhole recently, and you don't need to remember much of the series to read it. I hadn't read the Dark Tower series in a long time, but I really loved Wind Through the Keyhole. :)

    1. That's good then. I am looking forward to it. Was tempted to set aside Capital just to read it but I won't.

  4. I had a good reading week, although I focused more on shorter reads. It was nice dipping in and out of different worlds without getting lost in them for days.

    I've been meaning to read Ready Player One for what seems like ever, but still haven't gotten to it. Looking forward to your review, so you'd better keep your promise ;)

    1. I do like a short story. Never used to but I've grown to appreciate them. Sometimes they are just the thing you need when you don't have the time to invest in a large novel.

      I will try to keep my promise. Ready Player One was fab. It's one of those books I was dying to talk to someone about as I read.

  5. Ready Player One has been on my stack too long! I will get to it this year. Have a great week.

  6. I've heard great things about Ready Player One. I feel like it's a book I could pass on to my husband when I'm done with it.

    Good luck with getting those reviews up - I have a few to write myself! :)

    1. If you and your hubby have a geeky side then you will love it.

      Thank you, fingers crossed I get them done.

  7. I love Anne Tyler ... I haven't read The Beginner's Goodbye yet. Ready Player One looks very intriguing.

    1. I love Anne Tyler too. This one isn't her best but it's still worth a read.

  8. I don't usually read books like Ready Player One but I've got admit it looks interesting. It sounds like a fun read!

    1. If you like the 80's or sci fi then I think you will like it. Plus it's a little bit different. Was definitely a fun read.
