Friday 1 March 2013

February Overview/ Month Ahead (or where did that last month go)

What do you mean it's now March? Seriously, I know it's a short month but in my head I had weeks to go until it was over. I was determined to read more than January's poxy four books and I thought I had plenty of time. Alas, I was mistaken and I have another month of just four books. Okay, so one of those books was originally published as three or four seperate books but that still does not make me feel better.

Despite the poor showing it was still a good book month in that I loved them all. Here is what I read;

1. Spring Snow - Yukio Mishima
2. Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
3. The Silver Linings Playbook - Matthew Quick
4. The Collected Stories - Lorrie Moore

All of them fabulous books and all of them ver different. Although Spring Snow was beautifully written the book that really stands out is The Collected Stories. I don't want to say too much as I haven't reviewed it yet but I bet this would persuade anyone to the short story. Fabulously written with an amazing collection of characters. The fact that each character seemed so different from the last is a tesament to Moore's talent.

I am not going to pick out a least favourite. Simply because I enjoyed them all.

As for the month ahead. I am in the middle of reading a Karen Rose book. It is taking me far longer than it normally would because I don't have the time and it's annoying me. I am fed up with the formula and I think this will be the last of her books for me.

Next I have a the latest Thursday Next book. I also have a sci fi book, an Anne Tyler and a whim buy on the cards. I am waiting still for a couple of books I have reserved at the library. There are umpteen copies of this book and although the queue is getting longer my place in it hasn't changed in a month. A little frustrating but it's the price you pay I guess.

Oh, and that image at the start of this post is of another whim purchase. I already have a copy of Pride and Prejudice but I couldn't walk out the shop without it. It's a pulp publication and there are several classics in the series which have been brought out with a pulp fiction style cover.

I hope everyone else has had a good month.


  1. LOVE Thursday Next. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Sigh. I get so happy when I find out that other people read Fforde.

    1. I love Thursday Next too. This one was definitely a good one.

  2. LOL I love that P&P cover.

    1. I know, it's fab. I would be tempted to buy the others in the series. I particularly like the Hound of the Baskervilles.
