Tuesday 4 September 2012

A Sorcerer's Treason - Sarah Zettel

Bridget is the keeper of the light at a lighthouse on Lake Superior. A bit of an outcast from the locals due to her past keeping the light in memory of her father is the only thing she really has to keep her going. The visions in that sense help as she see's those in danger and is sometimes able to help. This is true of one night when a strange man is in trouble on a stormy night and Bridget saves him. Turns out he is looking specifically for her. He is from another world where Bridget's visions would just be the start of her powers. As a result he needs her help. He wants her to go with him to this other world to help his Queen. Bridget decides to go with him despite her aunts warnings that she should not trust this man.

I have to say that this book was a little slow in starting at first but I enjoyed it once it got going. I enjoyed the fact that magic on this world is literally woven and that the animal spirits have more power and their own agenda. Made it a little bit different for me.

There is actually quite a lot going on in this book and is it any wonder that poor Bridget doesn't know who to trust. This made me sympathise with her although I did like the fact that she was a strong female character. This was despite her being in a strange place and the time period she came from (1800s). Actually found that a little hard to believe at times. It wasn't always believable that Bridget was from that era partly because of the language and partly because of Bridget's reactions.

It's quite a large book and it does answer some of the many questions that is created though out. Not them all though. There is enough of a question mark over it to want you to read the rest of the series. Something I hope to do eventually. It's a good fantasy story although no where in the league of George R. R. Martin (the only other fantasy I have really read much of over the last few years).

I read this as part of the Mixing It Up Challenge hosted by Ellie of Musings of a Bookshop Girl. The category was Sci Fi/Fantasy. I had actually intended on reading a sci fi book and combining it with the sci fi challenge. Howeve, I really want to get through my tbr pile and the only sci fi books I had there were by authors I had read many times before. That wouldn't really be pushing myself. I did have this book sitting there though and it's been there for about 4 years. About time I picked it up really and I'm glad I did. If you want to see how I am getting on with the challenge and links to my other reviews you can do so here.


  1. I've had this sitting on my shelf for a few years now, but have never quite got around to reading it. Thanks for putting it back on my radar. :)

    1. You are welcome. Will be interesting to see what someone else thinks of it.
