Sunday 9 September 2012

October Read-a-Thon

The new dates for the readathon in October has been announced on the Dewey blog. This year it will take place on 13th October. I have checked and I have no essays or exams the following week and I am not on placement either. So I have signed up again.

Last time I raised £130 for Crohns and Colitis UK. Not bad considering my target was £100 and even then I thought I was over reaching. This time I am raising money for the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH). This one is pretty important to me as I know so many people who have some sort of mental health problem. It's a lot more common than you think and everyone at some point may come close to their mental health being under a lot of strain. This time my target is £150 because I am going to try to get a small group of friends to join in even if they can only manage a couple of hours. It could be fun I think as well as raising money for a good cause. Look up my Just Giving Page if you are interested in learning more about the charity and what it does.

I haven't decided what I am going to read but I am going to try to use it to get through my tbr pile. My goal is to have the pile just about gone by the end of the year. I am sitting at about 30 books and with the readathon it my just be manageable (depending on me not going out and buying more). Anyone else going to take part?


  1. I can't take part with the October one as it clashes with events at my local literature festival, I'm deferring it to the weekend after. Good luck though. :)

    1. That's a shame. I was the same last year. I had too much course work. Hope you have fun at the festival though.

  2. I am just hoping that i will not be on shift as would love to take part again! Good luck with the nil additions to the TBR pile - mine continues to rise!
