Monday 15 April 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a meme hosted by Sheila of Book Journey. A fun way for everyone to share their reading week.

I have been MIA the last few weeks as far as this meme has been concerned. I have still been reading and I am almost up to date with my reviews. So I haven't been slacking. Having said that I am just going to post last weeks reads.

Last week I read;

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. Very much enjoyed it. I haven't read this in years so I had forgotten much of it.

Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons. I picked this up on a whim at the library and now I am going to have to buy my own copy. Loved it!

Just now I am reading;

John Dies @ the End by David Wong. This is one of the strangest books I have read.

Next I plan to read;

Afterwards  by Rosamund Lupton. Another library whim but I have been wanting to read this since it first came out. I loved Sister so I am looking forward to it.

Not much else to say news wise. Been keeping my head down and studying for exams. This time next week it will all be over


  1. I'd really like to read Cold Comfort Farm, I have always overlooked it somehow
    Enjoy your reads this week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. I have not read Sense and Sensibility in a good few years either, it must have been lovely to refresh yourself on it all over again. I do remember that I found the characters of Edward and Marianne annoying but fell in love with Col. Brandon lol.

  3. I have a copy of Afterwards but haven't read it yet. Hope it's good. I also LOVED Cold Comfort Farm! A wonderful story.

    Have a great week and good luck with the exams.

  4. I've been seeing the David Wong around lately, it sounds very strange and very wonderful. :)

    Have a great week of reading!

  5. Sense and sensebility is one of my favorites, I think I will reread this one soon as well,

    kind regards,

  6. I love the cover of Cold Comfort Farm hehehe. Have a great week!

  7. That is an awesome cover for Sense & Sensibility. I've heard wonderful things about Cold Comfort Farm. I need to get to it soon! Enjoy your week, and good luck with your exams!

  8. I thought Sister was pretty good, but I haven't read Lupton's other book. I hope you enjoy it!

  9. I enjoyed S&S :) I haven't read any of the others! Happy reading!

  10. I've been in Krakow for a week so not much reading for me this week, but I did pick up Cold Comfort Farm the day before I left (are we on the same book cycle of something random like that?).
