Monday 27 June 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading!

This is a book meme by Sheila over at book journey where we all share what we read the week before and what we are reading now.

This week I read;
The Poison Tree by Erin Kelly. This was for my book group. I did enjoy it but was very disappointed with the ending.

Anno Dracula by Kim Newman. I really like this one.

Nurse Nurse by Jimmy Frazier. I enjoyed this too.

Just now I am reading;
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. Last weeks section ended at a cliffhanger. MUST know what happens next. This is for a readalong.

When God Was A Rabbit by Sarah Winman. Heard lots of good things so far. Really liking the narrator.

Next I plan to read;
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. In my attempt to read more classics.

A big thank you to everyone who has followed me. I promise that when I have more time I will follow you back. Also thank you for signing up for my giveaway. I was originally going to post at the end of the 29th (UK time) but I am now going to post the winner on the morning of the 30th. This will give people more time to sign up. Good luck! If I could I would have you all win.


  1. Oh I LOVE Anna Karenina. I hope you love it too! It is probably my favorite classic that I have ever read!

  2. I am looking forward to it. It's been one of many on my list I've been meaning to read.

  3. When God Was a Rabbit was wonderful and it is my opinion the Anna Karenina is the best book ever written, I know you will enjoy your books. Have a great week.
    My Monday:

  4. Thanks for the recommendation. I haven't heard about When God was a Rabbit. It sounds good. I'm going to check it out.

  5. Shantaram is a brilliant book and I have Anna Karenina on my list to read too. Definitely need to look out for When God Was A Rabbit too.

  6. When God Was A Rabbit was a fantastic read. I highly recommend it.

  7. Such great looking books! Anno Draculo sounds particularly interesting...Dracula and Jack the Ripper! I haven't read Anna K, but from what I hear it's a must tackle classic. Enjoy!
