Monday 25 July 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading!

This is a book meme by Sheila from Book Journey. A fun way of sharing our reading week.

This week I read;
The Return of Captain John Emmett by Elizabeth Speller. Fantastic historical fiction and a good mystery.

The Killing Kind by John Connolly. Third book in the Charlie Parker series. Managed to give me a fear of spiders.

Yes Sister, No Sister by Jennifer Craig. Interesting but not the best autobiography or non fiction book I've ever read.

Just now I am reading;
The Burning Wire by Jefferey Deaver. This is the ninth Lincoln Rhyme book. It's okay so far. Starting to go off Rhyme a little.

Next I plan to read;
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. This will be a re-read for me. I read it about six years ago and I loved it. Bought book 2 and it got lost amongst my large tbr pile. Book two is on next months list of books I should have read by now challenge. It's been so long ago I need to read the first one again. Looking forward to it though.

What has your reading week been like?


  1. I am going to read the George R.R. Martin books. My husband has them so I am going to get to them.

    At first, I didn't think I had much for my Monday Review, but I stayed up way too last last night reading.

  2. I did not realize that Games Of Thrones was that old!

  3. The first one was first published in 1996. I think most of them had been published by the time I read the first one originally. The last one has taken five years to be released.

  4. Much as I love Game of Thrones, I can't imagine re-reading them. I do re-read, but these are so daunting! I've waited a year or two between each book in the series so far!

  5. The Return of Captain John Emmett sounds really good, I added it to my TBR list!

  6. Jen, I don't have much of a choice if I want to read the others. 5/6 years is more of a gap than my poor memory can handle. I remember so little of it mind you it might be like reading it for the first time again.

    Crystal, it's a fantastic book. I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance to read it.

  7. Every time I see the cover of Captain Emmett I think it's a different book but can't remember which one. I wonder if they've used the same photo as something else (happens a lot) or maybe it's just the style.

    My weekly round up

  8. As a former candy stripper at a Catholic hospital I can probably relate to Yes, Sister, No Sister.


  9. Yes Sister, No Sister looks interesting. I need to see what that is about.

  10. Great books. I have Captain John Emmett and Game of Thrones on my TBR list. And thanks for visiting my blog!

  11. Good reading with A Game of Thrones! You know that I thoroughly enjoyed it!

    Thanks for stopping by today!

  12. I'm kind of intrigued by Game of Thrones but I don't read a whole lot of fantasy so I'm not really sure how I would like it!

  13. I have read the first book in the Charlie Parker series and have been wanting to read more of them, but seems that something new comes along and the list of TBR just keeps growing and growing!

    Have a great reading week!

  14. Ellie, I get that feeling too. It does look like another book but every time I try to think which one it escapes me.

    Meg, I am very much enjoying re-reading Game of Thrones. Haven't had a re-read in a long time and I'm liking the memories coming back. Think I am even enjoying it more this time round. I would maybe get this one out the library if you aren't sure. I am a fantasy fan and I always find it hard to recommend those books to people who aren't keen on it.

    Kristal, I am working my way through the series very slowly for the same reason. I'm enjoying the slow pace though and each book gives some reminders of the previous one.
