Saturday 30 July 2011

I've Been Bad!

After months of being good and only buying my book group books I went a little mad this week. The plan was to buy just one but it didn't pan out that way. I ended up with six and could quite easily have added more to the pile. Initially I was just going to buy one from my TR list and it was going to be one that another book blogger had recommended. I picked Silent in the Grave by Deanna Raybourn because this was the first blogger recommendation on my list (recommended by Gabriel Reads). It kind of grew from there.

Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie (second Poirot story).
A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin (third book in his series).
Silent in the Graves by Deanna Raybourn (blogger recommendation).
She-Wolves by Helen Castor (some history, had my eye on it since I saw the hardback at Christmas).
Villette by Charlotte Bronte (buying a classic somehow made me feel less guilty).
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton (again a classic but the truth is it's a nice edition).

Who knows when I will get to read them all but it's sated my book buying for a little while anyway (maybe).


  1. No, you're not bad...that looks like a great set of books to have on the shelf to read! Enjoy The Age of Innocence!

  2. Thank you. I knew I could rely on fellow book bloggers for making me feel less guilty. :)

  3. I'm really jealous since I've just put myself on (another) book buying ban for August. I need to try to read the books I have, instead of just adding to the pile.

    Also, I love the Everyman's Library books. The paper, the print, that little sewn in book mark thingy. They're my favourite. And yes, I do realise how utterly ridiculous this makes me sound.

  4. Books are like potato chips. You can't be expected to stop at just one. :) Good job.

  5. Ah books - who could resist. I just got my tbr pile below 20 for the first time in months. I plan not to BUY any more until I'm down to about 10... but I may not be able to resist the lure of NetGalley that long! I guess I'd better read fast! Good luck with your pile.

  6. It is ok to indulge Karen. I went way overboard this month as well. Enjoy your books!

  7. I'm so glad I'm not alone in my book buying last week. I feel so much better now :-)

    I hope you like Murder on the Links. I'm a huge Christie fan, but I wasn't impressed with that one. I will say the weakest Christie book is still better than most mysyteries, so I'm sure you will still enjoy it.

  8. FBT, that's me back on the ban.I love the Everyman's library. It was hard not to buy more.

    Lucky you Nicki. I honestly can't remember the last time I had fewer than 20 books in my tbr pile. Maybe one day.

    Ryan, when others go mad book buying it always makes me feel better. I'm looking forward to the Christie although golf is far from my favourite subject. Decided to read the Poirot books in order.

  9. "Everything in moderation, including moderation"! No shame at all in the odd book splurge. Enjoy your books!
