Wednesday 8 February 2012

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes Mr Dickens!

I should have really posted this on Tuesday as that was Charles Dickens actual birthday. No excuse other than I spent most of my time on twitter and facebook posting what everyone else was saying about him. Feels wrong not to mention him here though. Especially since he is one of my favourites. I can thank Mr Dickens for introducing me to the world of classics and what a fantastic introduction. It started with David Copperfield back when I was 12 or 13. To this day David Copperfield has a special place in my heart. I even love the creepy Uriah Heep in a odd sort of way. Every couple of years I read one or two of his books and I still have a long way to go before I finish them all. I'm glad about that as I think I would feel sad if I didn't have more to look forward to. Last year I came across one that knocked Great Expectations and David Copperfield from the top of my list, A Tale of Two Cities. It has one of the saddest and best endings I have every come across.

The truth is that I know virtually nothing about the man himself. I've came across bits and pieces obviously but I have yet to read any of the many biographies out. There is a relatively new one out by Simon Callow which has been highly praised so perhaps I should at that to my TR list. As a result though every time I think of Dickens himself this image of him pops into my head. Yes, I know another Doctor Who reference. However, if you are interested you can find out more about that episode here.

Another is this one here. A Christmas Carol has also long been a favourite and I love the Muppets version. Can't help but think that Gonzo made a fantastic, if somewhat strange, Charles Dickens.

Any Charles Dickens fans out there? What's your favourite book?


  1. I haven't seen the Muppet version of A Christmas Carol but I have seen the Mickey mouse version which I used to love as a kid. I adore Tale of Two Cities too. I had a huge crush on Sydney Carton back in the day :)

    1. Oh, you have to! It's one of the best! I have seen the Mickey one too. My sister was a huge Mickey fan growing up.


    Also, Bleak House is by far my favorite Dickens. Mainly because it's the best one.

    1. I did actually think of you after I posted it. I knew at least one person would get it, lol.

      A good reason for it to be your favourite. I read years ago and loved it too.

  3. Yeah, another person who thinks that A Tale of Two Cities is one of Dickens's best books! But how could anyone resist Sydney Carton? :)

    1. I know, his story would melt even the coldest heart.

  4. I think you might get a bit of a shock when you do read a biography of Dickens as he was really quite a ghastly character himself, he was especially horrible to his poor wife. It has put me off reading many of his books. I prefer Trollope.

    1. I already heard the rumours of his adulterous ways. I'll try not to let it put me off though.
