Friday 12 October 2012

Dewey's 24hr Read-A-Thon

I am normally more organised than this but I am finally posting about tomorrow's readathon and I have finally decided on what books to read. It's still not too late to sign up if you want to take part. Just click on the image above and it will take you to the readathon web page. I don't see any times there so I am assuming it's the same as April which means 1pm UK time (since the clocks haven't changed).

This time I am picking all light reads. Got a couple of crime books in there, a kids book and one general fiction. I've read Anne Tyler before so I know what to expect. The two crime books have been on my tbr pile but the Skulduggery book is relatively new and the Anne Tyler is a loan from a friend. Won't make a huge inroad to my pile but it's still getting there.

Once again I am raising money. So far I have £98 raised for the Scottish Association For Mental Health. They do fantastic work and I have heard of them through all my placements. Nurses speak very highly of them and I got a great reception when I contacted them. There are a few people very dear to me who have suffered from mental health problems such as depression and anxiety so this one means a lot to me. If you want to know more about the charity then click on the image above. It might interest you that Chris Hoy is an ambassador. If you would like to kindly donate you can do so at my Just Giving page. All donations are greatly appreciated.

The last few times I have taken part I have reviewed the books I have read as I went. I don't think I will be doing that this time. I will just be giving small updates and I might take part in some of the challenges. I've also opened up my twitter account again should anyone wish to follow me there - Karencrafts.

Anyone else taking part? Have you chosen your books yet?

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