Sunday 8 January 2012

Just One More Challenge - Classics

So I have decided to take on just one more challenge. A bit of a cheat since it coincides with one of my personal challenges and that's to read one classic each month of the year. For this one I just have to read 7 and take part in the prompts. I am arriving to this quite late and haven't yet started the first book I plan on reading. So it will be a while before I respond to this months prompt. It looks to be quite an interesting way to get to know more about various books and authors and other bloggers.

The challenge was put together by Katherine of Novembers Autumn. If you are interested in signing up you can do so here.  The rules are;

  • Write a post on your blog with a list of the seven works you hope to read in 2012 and why you chose them-- but don't feel bound by the list. 
  • Please include a link back to this page in your post, so others can learn about the challenge and join us. 
  • Fill out the form at the bottom, linking to your post.
  • Check back on the 4th of each month.

  • One extra rule is that only 3 of the 7 can be re-reads. I have more than 7 classics in my tbr pile and have picked out the ones I want to do for this challenge. Here they are although not necessarily in order;

    The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights - John Steinbeck
    The Three Musketeers - Alexander Dumas
    Villette  - Charlotte Bronte
    Spring Snow - Yukio Mishima
    The Leopard - Tomasi di Lampedusa
    The Bell - Iris Murdoch
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain

    All books that I am very much looking forward to so it will be difficult choosing which one comes first.


    1. Villette!!!! I ADORE that book. It's so beautiful. I might be reading the Huckleberry book this year as well. I'm intrigued by your Steinbeck choice. I didn't realize he'd written on King Arthur. I just added that to my TBR. ;)

    2. I am looking forward to Villette. Haven't heard anyone say they didn't like it so far. I didn't realise that he had written a King Arthur book either until a friend mentioned it last year. Can't wait to see what it's like. It's my next book.
