Monday 22 August 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading!

It's Monday is a book meme by Sheila over at Book Journey. It's a great way of sharing our reading week.

Last week was a good one although that first book I was just finishing it last week. I had read most of it the previous week.

Last week I read;
A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin. This is the second book in the series and I am still loving it.

The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. This was for my one classic a month. Loved every page of this book. Will definitely be reading more Wharton in the future.

Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie. The second novel starring Poirot. Granted not his best but Hastings comedy value more than made up for it. Still a great read. Love Christie!

Gone by Michael Grant. Part of my battle with my YA tbr pile. I enjoyed this one although I'm wary about how the rest of the series will go.

Just now I am reading;
A Storm of Swords: Steel and Snow by George R. R. Martin. This is the third book in the series which has been split in two. I have only just started it but I'm expecting to love it just as much as the others.

Next I plan to read;
Hunger by Michael Grant. Since I have it there and I did enjoy the first one I am going to read it next. Hopefully this will help me with my tbr pile.

I had lots of good news last week. The main one being that I have been offered a place on the nursing degree. It means I don't have to do the access course which I signed up for. I'm so excited about it but am aware that it will have an impact on my reading. I am more than sure it will be worth it though.

I also started a birthday giveaway since my blog turned one year last week and it's my birthday at the end of this week. There are no rules to the giveaway. Just sign up if you fancy winning a lovely copy of Jane Eyre. I'll announce the winner on Sunday.


  1. Happy birthday! And happy blogoversary!

    Here's my post for this week: It's Monday! What Are You Reading? And don't forget to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  2. I have to read George Martin! The books are sounding sooooo good!

  3. Happy birthday and blog anniversary. Well done on getting your place on nursing, really good news as I had heard they were cutting places due to the job situation.

    We have a pre-loved giveaway over at mine if you fancy a look.

    Michael Grant I haven't heard of before so will need to check him out.


  4. Happy blogoversary! Enjoy your books. They all look really good.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I loved Gone, but Hunger was slightly less good for me - as you seem to expect too. I found it a little boring. Read it anyway, it's a fast read and the ideas in the book are pretty good (the setting and the events).

  6. Great news Karen! And good job on the reading front.

  7. Agatha Christie is perhaps the only mystery writer I've ever enjoyed reading but I haven't read many of her novels. Oh, maybe Arthur Conan Doyle too. But that's pretty much it for me and mysteries.

    I'm looking forward to reading George R R Martin when the series is finished. Albeit, at the rate the books are being published, I may never read them.

  8. New follower. You got some awesome taste in books. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog.

  9. Happy birthday! Congratulations on your one year blogoversary! Congratulations on getting into the nursing program!

    I'm glad you're still liking Martin's books. You're about to catch up to where I am! Enjoy your week!

  10. I'd like to read The Age of Innocence. I'm a big fan of all the classics.

  11. Sheila, I highly recommend them. I don't think they are just for fantasy fans either. There is magic in there but the story doesn't really revolve around it much.

    Thanks Lainy, they cut places by about 50 this year and I think there will be more cuts next year. The NHS wants fewer nurses and more health care workers. Just another way of saving money I suppose. I have only read his first book but enjoying Michael Grant so far.

    Leeswammes, I think I am more wary about the next few. My track record of good YA has been poor of late plus I think there are lots of ways this book can go wrong. I;ll still read the next one though.

    Thanks Ellie.

    Satia, Mystery books are something I have only begun to enjoy in the last year. Agatha Christie is definitely a favourite. Yeah, I think there have been a lot of people waiting impatiently for the last book. I think when I get to that one though I will wait for the paperback.

    Thank you Grace. I will be sure to visit you.

    Thanks Jen, I have the next part of book 3 sitting there so will probably get to that next week. I'm sure I will buy book four at some point over the next few weeks too.

    Rachel, I can't recommend The Age Of Innocence enough. It's a fantastic classic. I'm a big fan of classics too I just don't read as much of them as I would like. So I have challenged myself to reading one a month. Trying not to stick to my usual classic authors though.

  12. I intend to pick up the George R. R. Martin series when I finish with Harry Potter. I've also got The Age of Innocence on my TBR list!

  13. In case you can't guess I highly recommend both, lol. Hope you enjoy them when you get to them. The Harry Potter books are on my re-read list. Mind you, they are always on that list. Can never get tired of them.
