Sunday 20 November 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a book meme by Sheila of Book Journey. A fun way for everyone to share their reading week.

I haven't taken part in this in a few weeks. Mainly because I have been reading the same books. Last time I was reading a large collection of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. It was part of my Halloween reads but as I was so busy and it was quite large I knew there was no way I would get that one finished over Halloween. I was still going to go ahead with it but after reading a few I decided I wasn't in the right frame of mind to read short stories. I wasn't appreciating them. So I am going to leave the book for next Halloween. I don't normally leave books aside like that but it will give me something to look forward to.

Last week I read;

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (book one and two). Two years I have been waiting for it and it took me just over two weeks to read. A fantastic book and now my favourite by the author. Can't wait for book 3.

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. A fast paced start, a slow middle and an amazing ending. Now also a favourite by this author. Has restored my faith in him. Was originally one of the titles I chose for the books I should have read by now challenge before I called it quits. Now it is just my classic of the month.

Player One by Douglas Coupland. I only finished this last night and have yet to review it so no link. A great book though. Very much enjoyed it.

Just now I'm reading;

I Can See You by Karen Rose. Another book that I had on my books I should have read by now challenge list. I've read one book by the author before and this one is starting out with a similar feel. I was in the mood for something light and easy and I think with this I am going to get it.

I am not going to plan a next book as my reading has been taking it's time of late. Not unexpected in all honesty. I am thinking that the next one might be some non fiction though. but we'll see how I feel at the time.

In the last week or so I also signed up for some 2012 book challenges and decided against creating my own (which I was originally going to do). You can see all those challenges on my sidebar. I've also decided that my next book shopping spree won't be until after Christmas. So with these challenges I am planning a rather large shopping list. Can't wait.

How has your reading week been?


  1. You got through some good books last week - I have 1Q84 on my "must read" list - so hopefully I'll get to it in the next few weeks.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you loved 1Q84. Reading that and A Tale of Two Cities... impressive list!

    Have a great week.

  3. I've always wanted to read, Tale of Two cities but never have, will read before I kick the bucket though. ;)

    Come see my Monday! And have a great week!

  4. I did not know IQ84 was a second.... what is the name of the first book?

  5. I highly recommend both books. Very different mind you but good. 1Q84 is Murakami's best yet.

    Niina, that made me laugh - "will read before I kick the bucket"

    Sheila,I don't know how it's published in the US but in the UK Book one and two is in the same edition under the title 1Q84. Book three is just called 1Q84 book 3.

  6. So much buzz around IQ84. I diasppointed the one person at book group with the same reading tastes as me as I hadn't read it! I'll be getting it in paperback when it's out.

    I saw someone had an American copy that had all 3 books in. I'm pretty sure it's called IQ84 parts 1,2 and 3 everywhere though.

  7. It will be ages before I get to this Murakami. You have such a nice bunch of mixed reading this week. Have a good reading week.

  8. A Tale of Two Cities is the only Dickens I can really stand to read. Overall, he's a bit drab for me. Glad you liked it as well!

  9. So glad to hear that you loved Ready Player One! I'm still in love with it!

  10. I'm really excited about the Murakami. I hope I get to read it soon.

  11. I want to read 1Q84. I have a bunch of books going at once. A lot of them are library books that are due soon. Please come see what I'm reading.
