Thursday 19 May 2011

Booking Through Thursday - Censorship!

In Contrast to last weeks question - What do you think about censoring books BECAUSE of their intended age? Say books to old for your kids to read?

My parents never censored what I read. I think they were just glad that I was reading and wanted to encourage that. If I had kids I probably would be the same.

However, I don't have a problem with it. It's another form of protection and parents shouldn't be penalised for that. I do buy books for my nieces all the time and I am careful about what I get them. Their parents are quite liberal but as they aren't my kids I still wouldn't feel right picking up a book that might be a little too old for them. The problem is that they are ahead of their age when it comes to reading. In fact the 8 year old has the reading level of a 13 year old. I want to pick books that would challenge their abilities but they aren't street wise. Despite being very bright they are still quite innocent and I would hate to have them grow up too fast. Just makes buying books for them that little bit more challenging.


  1. Yes, I feel that as long as my kids are reading, thats most important. I don't censor though, because I prefer to discuss the issues, rather than outright deny they exist. And I don't want them to read it in secret and not feel able to talk aout it. I think that would be worse.

  2. I completely agree, it's better to be able to discuss the issues. I think if the kids really wanted to read something that might have some older content their parents would probably let them. If it was me I would be happy for them to read a way so long as they can come to me. They aren't my kids though so I don't feel it's my decision to make when I am picking out books as presents.

  3. It is so awesome that you buy books for the kids in your life. I think that this is very important. I do this for baby showers instead of a card.

    If you are interested, my answer is here.

  4. ha ha, thankfully the kids love thier books. They know I will bring them each one when I come to visit. I usually give books at baby showers too.

  5. Lisa: I do, too. My neighbor doesn't buy her son books (he's about two years old) but instead plops him down in front of the TV. So every time his birthday comes around, I get him books.

    Karen: My family never censored me, either. My grandmother had a room in which one wall was completely covered in a bookshelf and she would let me read whatever I wanted, whether it was age-appropriate or not. My mother was the same way. I think not having limits in terms of what I could read made me a stronger reader with a deeper love of books and more eclectic, developed tastes.

    I agree that discussing issues is important, but I also think that by not putting restrictions on what children can read, they become better readers, better thinkers, and better decision-makers. Especially here in the US, we try to shelter our children and in doing so we stunt their growth on a mental and emotional level. They're like bonsai children, molded only within certain parameters while not being able to grow outside of the box. Which, you know, is funny because parents are always telling their kids that "the sky is the limit." It's so hypocritical.

    Okay, rant over. :)

  6. Good answer, like to hear about kids reading.

    here's mine:

  7. Censorship never came up in my house at all when I was growing up. My parents kind of left me to it so I read anything and everything.

  8. I was pretty much the only one who read in my family, so I got away with reading things that I probably shouldn't have. My parents checked the cover and title, and that was pretty much it.

  9. Gabriel, I think by not censoring what I read I became a stronger reader too. To be honest, I don't remember being disturbed or upset by anything that I read. I think kids are much smarter/more mature than we give them credit for sometimes.
