Tuesday 31 May 2011

Top Ten Tuesday - Beach Reads!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme over at The Broke and The Bookish.

I was actually in two minds whether or not to take part in this one. It's been a few weeks though since I have done a Top Ten Tuesday. Basically, I don't do beach holidays. I prefer visiting cities and cramming in as many activities as possible within my time there. Needless to say I don't get much reading done (although I still take a book with me). That being said I haven't had a proper holiday in what feels like forever and a beach holiday is looking more and more attractive. So here is what I would take on my first beach holiday.

1. American Gods - Neil Gaiman. I think it's this books ten year anniversary and I have been meaning to give it a re-read (truth be told I can't find my copy and have a horrible feeling the ex has it - grumble). It's such a good book but I have forgotten lots of it so I think this would be ideal.

2. Murder on the Links- Agatha Christie. I thoroughly enjoyed the first Poirot book when I read it a few months back. It's such an easy and enjoyable read. I love Poirot and I think the second one would be a nice relaxing read.

3. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte. I know, classics might seem a bit heavy for a holiday in the sun. However, this is another re-read that is long overdue. When I first read it all those years ago it was nothing but a pleasure. I don't imagine it would be any different this time round.

4. A Walk In The Woods - Bill Bryson. Do you ever find yourself planning your next holiday whilst on holiday? I do, so what better way to do that than to read some travel writing. Plus I have been meaning to read Bryson's travel books for a long time. I have heard they are a fantastic and funny read.

5. Silent In The Grave - Deanna Raybourn. Another book I've been meaning to read. Recommended to me by GabeReads. It doesn't look too heavy and would probably be a book I would pass on to my friends (something else I end up doing on holiday).

6. Gone - Michael Grant. Yes, I realise it's a YA and I've been taking a break from them. This one though has been sitting on my shelf for a long long time (I bought it when it was first out in hardback) and it's nagging at me. Plus it's usually YA I take on holiday as it's relatively light.

7. Jpod - Douglas Coupland. Another re-read. Simply because it's one of my favourite books. Problem is it will have me laughing out loud and making me look like a lunatic next to the pool.

8. The Green Rider - Kristen Britain. Another recommendation by a blogger (I am so sorry, I can't remember who it was). I haven't read a fantasy book in a long time. This would be perfect to start a new series.

9. A Game Of Thrones - George R. R. Martin. I really do need to read this again before I move onto the second one. It's quite a large book so with plenty of time on my hands a holiday might be the best time to do that.

10. Charlie Parker books - John Connolly. Okay, this is a series rather than one book. Taken some of these along would be perfect. I know and love the characters already. Nothing better than a series you are comfortable with and still enjoy.


  1. Jane Eyre is one of my favorites.
    Some of these are new to me I'm going to have to look them up.

  2. I don't know many of these--I'll have to check them out. I definitely agree with Agatha Christie, Jane Eyre, and Game of Thrones. I think a beach read either needs to be something you can read in an afternoon, or something that engrosses you so thoroughly, you forget to move for hours :)

  3. You know, if I was away on holiday, relaxed and peacefully reading it I would have liked Jane Eyre a lot more than I did! It wouldn't have seemed heavy!
    American Gods is a great choice, but it would have been the third Gaiman book in my list!!
    Nice list!

  4. I think Christie will be a popular choice on these lists. I think she is perfect holiday fayre. I'm debating reading Game of Thrones - is it worth it?

  5. I have been wanting to read Game of Thrones for a while, I have heard so many good things about it.

  6. I listened to Game of Thrones, and I really liked it.

  7. Love the list. I don't do beach holidays either but I love the beach at home. I do prefer it in winter when those pesky tourists and sunbathers aren't around though! ;)

    Did you ever see the TV show of JPod? A friend gave it to me downloaded of the net (shhh) and it was really quite funny.

  8. Thanks for stopping by this morning! Definitely give A Walk in the Woods a shot! That's the only Bryson I've read, but it was an easy and funny read. I just bought American Gods the other day at a used bookstore. Your inclusion of it makes me all the more excited to start it this summer!

  9. I also read my first Piorot murder mystery a few months back and really enjoyed it! Maybe I'll give Murder on the Links a try next.

  10. Thanks for all your comments everyone.

    Falaise - Yes, I've seen a few Christie mentioned in responses. Great minds and all that, hee hee. If you like a good fantasy book then I do recommend A Game Of Thrones. Well worth reading.

    Ellie - No, I haven't seen the TV show although I have heard lots of good things about it.

  11. #3 & #4 are both fabulous books with really great settings. I am especially fond of old England/Europe with all their country manors and moors. So lovely!
